From Sylvia Magazine everywhere there is no one a city made empty a porch swept by a buddhist priest in the Nothing: words the first draft of a koan ask what kind of dog is that [ read more ] covid Related Posts NETFLIX | [Un]WellAugust 12, 2020StickyAugust 12, 2020Memoir,Interview,Videohealing,ayahuasca TRIPTYCHNovember 11, 2022November 11, 2022Audio,Poetrymemory OTHERLANDJuly 2, 2022July 2, 2022Memoir,Poetry,Audiomemory,mental illness REAR WINDOWJune 28, 2022June 28, 2022Audio,Essay,Memoirayahuasca,memory,healing PrevNext